
  • Anuario Jurídico y Económico Escurialense

    The Anuario Jurídico y Económico Escurialense  is a technical - professional Journal which purpose it is the diffusion of investigation works about Law, Management Sciences and Social Sciences, destined to students, teachers and investigators in these areas

    Open access policy

    This journal provides immediate free access to its contents under the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

    To access at last Issue

  • Escurialensia : Revista Digital de Historia y Arte

    The Instituto Escurialense de Investigaciones Históricas y Artísticas is celebrating its thirtieth anniversary, which began with the Symposiums it has been holding at the beginning of September at the Estudios Superiores del Escorial. We have the experience and enthusiasm to undertake the new task of creating a digital publication.

    It appears as a platform to facilitate the possibility of publishing research works on historical subjects in the broadest sense of periods, areas and branches protected in antiquity by the Muse Clio. The name Escurialensia not only links it to the Institute that created it, but also wishes to be a stimulus for researchers to know that their work is particularly welcome here.

    We are looking for studies of rigour and quality in the analysis, sources and bibliography, which will be checked by an anti-plagiarism system.