A eural network model for the Quarterly Index of Total Construction in Spain


  • Agustín Alonso-Rodríguez Real Centro Universitario "Escorial-María Cristina"




Total Quarterly Construction Index of Spain, neural netwoks models, OECD, forecasts, statistical package R, statistical package forecast


Using the quarterly Index of Total Construction in Spain, a neural network model is presented to envision the future of construction in Spain, from the third quarter of 2019 to the second quarter of 2022.


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Author Biography

Agustín Alonso-Rodríguez, Real Centro Universitario "Escorial-María Cristina"

Doctor en Ciencias Económicas, especialidad de Economía Cuantitativa, por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Cursos de doctorado en Economía por la Universidad de California, San Diego. Profesor de Econometría Decano de Ciencias Empresariales


VIII. Bibliografía

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How to Cite

Alonso-Rodríguez, A. (2020). A eural network model for the Quarterly Index of Total Construction in Spain. Anuario Jurídico Y Económico Escurialense, (53), 245–258. https://doi.org/10.54571/ajee.437

