The Military Criminal Code: subjective scope of application


  • Juan Pozo Vilches



Democratic transition, Spanish Constitution, Scope strictly military, Military Criminal Code, Military jurisdiction, Military courts


The jurisdiction of the military courts is one of the most debated issues from the times of the democratic Transition. Since then, many attempts have been made to limit its jurisdiction to the strictly military scope. Although the current Military Criminal Code entried in force in 2016, it remains quite unknown to the vast majority of legal operators. In this paper we will examine the subjective scope of application of this Code, which, as we shall see, applies not only to military personnel, but also to civilians, whether the crime is committed in peacetime or during an armed conflict.


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Author Biography

Juan Pozo Vilches

Fiscal Jefe de la Sala Quintadel Tribunal Supremo


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How to Cite

Pozo Vilches, J. (2021). The Military Criminal Code: subjective scope of application . Anuario Jurídico Y Económico Escurialense, (54), 53–76.

