The evidence of child sexual abuse. Possibilities and limitations


  • Carlos Ramiro Alonso García R.C.U. Escorial-María Cristina



Child sexual abuse, evidence, testimony, conditioning, false memories, SVA, Statement Validity Assessment, CBCA, Criteria-Based Content Analysis


The article discusses the scope and limitations of the main
evidence available to prove the existence of child sexual abuse in trial: behavioural indicators, medical inspection, and testimony of the minor. Particular attention is paid to cognitive and motivational conditions that influence the child's judicial declaration and expose the techniques that exist to make a statement to the child with sufficient guarantees of truth.


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Author Biography

Carlos Ramiro Alonso García, R.C.U. Escorial-María Cristina

Profesor de Derecho penal en el R.C.U. Escorial-María Cristina. Licenciado en Derecho Canónico.


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How to Cite

Alonso García, C. R. (2022). The evidence of child sexual abuse. Possibilities and limitations. Anuario Jurídico Y Económico Escurialense, (55).

