Marriage and Adultery in Hispanic World: Geronimas of Lima and Valladolid


  • Gloria Cristina Flórez Dávila Universidad Nacional Mayor San Marcos. Lima



Adultery, Honor, Virtue, Marriage, Lima, Valladolid, Spain, XVI and XVII centuries, Geronimas


This research is focused on living situations by Geronima de
San Miguel and Geronima Pardo de Ribadeneira, taking place in Lima and in Valladolid at the end of the 16th century and early 17th century. A very important
epistolary and judicial documentation, compiled with specialized bibliography allows us to meet our characters in their different social and geographical environments. In the same way, civil and ecclesiastical legal provisions will be related to important conceptions of honor and virtue, dominant in Hispanic mentalities without forgetting different issues so important as marriage, and adultery.


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Fuentes manuscritas. –

Archivo Arzobispal de Lima (Causas de Divorcios: Legajo N.I. exped. 5.1594-1595)

Archivo de la Chancillería de Valladolid (ES.47186. ARCHV//CAUSAS SECRETAS, CAJA 1,221622)

Archivo General de la Nación (Protocolos notariales siglo XVI N°13 y 111, Protocolos Notariales siglo XVII (N° 86)

Bibliografía. -

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How to Cite

Flórez Dávila, G. C. (2022). Marriage and Adultery in Hispanic World: Geronimas of Lima and Valladolid. Anuario Jurídico Y Económico Escurialense, (55).

