Cowardice as its own special crime.

Its regulation in the Military Penal Code


  • Juan Pozo Vilches Ministerio de DefensaFiscalía Sala 5ª Tribunal Supremo



Crime of cowardice, Military Criminal Code, Military Jurisdiction, Military courts


One of the most important crimes of Military Criminal Law is, certainly, the crime of cowardice, described by some authors as the military crime par excellence. It is a special crime, which can only be committed by a military person, and which is exclusively contained in the Military Criminal
Code. In this paper we will study Article 51 and following articles of the Military Criminal Code, where cowardice can be punished with up to twenty-five years of imprisonment, the maximum penalty provided in the Military Criminal Code.


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Author Biography

Juan Pozo Vilches, Ministerio de DefensaFiscalía Sala 5ª Tribunal Supremo

Fiscal Togado

Fiscal Jefe Sala 5ª Tribunal Supremo


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How to Cite

Pozo Vilches, J. . (2022). Cowardice as its own special crime. : Its regulation in the Military Penal Code. Anuario Jurídico Y Económico Escurialense, (55).

