The State in the thought of Saint Augustine and Saint Thomas


  • Dr. Enrique Somavilla RCU Escorial María Cristina
  • Carmen Calderón Patier Universidad San Pablo CEU



Saint Agustin, Saint Thomas of Aquino, Philosophy, Theology, Economy, State, Res Publica


Saint Augustine develops in the work of The City of God, the theme of peace, which he defines as the tranquility of order, its forms and means to establish it, which are the laws and the concept of the State. Saint Augustine, assumes that the earthly city, that is, temporal power, is at the service of the city of God, which is spiritual power. Later, the harmonization between faith and reason, which will be the one that stands out compared to the other positions, through Saint Thomas Aquinas, OP, who tries to maintain a healthy and adequate balance between philosophy and theology. To reach a healthy confluence between the two figures, the first projects his philosophical system on Neoplatonism and the second on Aristotle; Of both currents, the Platonic-Augustinian will give way to the Dominican Aristotelian and this will be imposed in the 13th century in a definitive way with the Thomist scheme for the development of philosophical-theological theses. The Study of both methods will project a new worldview of reality and of man.


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Author Biography

Carmen Calderón Patier, Universidad San Pablo CEU

Catedrática de Economía Aplicada de la USPCEU



Fuentes documentales

PEDRO DE ARAGÓN, In secundam secundae Divi Thomae Angelici Commentaria. De Iustitia et Iure, Salmanticae 1590.

SAN AGUSTÍN, De Civitate Dei: PL 41,13-804.

SAN AGUSTÍN, Confesiones: PL 32,657-868.

SAN AGUSTÍN, Contra académicos: PL 32, 903-958.

SAN AGUSTÍN, De moribus Ecclesiae catholicae: PL 32, 1309-1378.

SAN AGUSTÍN, De doctrina cristiana: PL 34, 15-122.

SAN AGUSTÍN, Sermón 27, 4: PL 38,178-182.

SAN AGUSTÍN, De Trinitate: PL 42, 819-1098.

SANTO TOMÁS DE AQUINO, Summa Theologica, 6 Vol. Romae 1894.

SANTO TOMÁS DE AQUINO, Suma de Teología, Ed. Dirigida por los Regentes de Estudios de las Provincias Dominicanas en España, 5 Tomos, Madrid 2009.

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PABLO VI, “Carta Lumen Ecclesiae en el VII centenario de la muerte de santo Tomás de Aquino”, en AAS 66 (1974) 673-702.

Fuentes secundarias

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ELDERS, L., Sobre el método en santo Tomás de Aquino, Buenos Aires 1992.

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How to Cite

Somavilla, D. E., & Calderón Patier, C. . (2022). The State in the thought of Saint Augustine and Saint Thomas. Anuario Jurídico Y Económico Escurialense, (55).

