The situation of the guild of silversmiths of Cordoba in the seventeenth century


  • María del Amor Rodríguez Miranda UNIVERSIDAD DE CÓRDOBA



silvesmith, silversmiths, 17th, Cordoba, analysis


This text presents an analysis of the situation of the silversmiths´ guild of Cordoba during the 17th century. Starting from the premise of the lack of specific studies of this period, we will begin by carrying out a bibliographical synthesis. It will continue with a presentation of the general situation of the institution at that time and who were the main silversmiths. Choosing the most outstanding Works, the characteristics of these pieces will be known. In this way, a series of conclusions can be addressed that clarify the existing gaps in this temporary field of silver research in Cordoba.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Miranda, M. del A. (2023). The situation of the guild of silversmiths of Cordoba in the seventeenth century. Escurialensia : Revista Digital De Historia Y Arte, (1).