The image de Justinian II

Approach to the biography of an albatros


  • Teodoro Martín Martín UNED



Image, Justinian II, Chronography, perception, Byzantine Empire


In this work we intend to approach the perception that has been had of this Byzantine Emperor throughout History. We will begin with the visión that elaborated the medieval Chronology, preferably iconoclastic, and that lasted in the historiography of the Modern Age and the nineteenth century. In the studies carried out in the twentieth century and in what we have of the XXI, the image of Justinian II appears with broader and more complete perfiles, since all aspects of his complex personality and his two stages of government are analyzed.


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How to Cite

Martín Martín, T. (2024). The image de Justinian II: Approach to the biography of an albatros. Escurialensia : Revista Digital De Historia Y Arte, (2).


