History of the cult and traditions around the Virgin Mary images and other devotions on the shores of Maracaibo lake through the studies of Father Fernando Campo del Pozo (OSA)
Fernando Campo del Pozo, Marian devotions, Order of Saint Augustine, La Cañada, Venezuelan traditions and devotions.Abstract
Fernando Campo del Pozo, an augustinian clergyman, author, and researcher, was stationed in Venezuela from 1956 to 1969. During the period from 1956 to 1962, he conducted his pastoral duties in the churches of La Cañada, which are traditionally devoted to the Blessed Virgin. Additionally, he had the opportunity to deeply explore other devotions, traditions, and legends of the villages located along the shores of Maracaibo lake. The first edition of his book on the Virgin in La Cañada (1957) marked the inaugural study of Marian devotions in this region.
This study will explore the origin of the devotion to the Virgen del Carmen in La Cañada, the apparition in Zulia, the beliefs, the various advocations, the celebrations, and the churches where the images are worshipped, particularly that of San José de Potreritos, a temple constructed through the initiative and efforts of Fernando Campo himself. Furthermore, the integration of Spanish Holy Week traditions in El Carmelo and Ciudad Ojeda by the augustinian clergy, the presentation of a relic of the Curé of Ars to the church of El Carmelo, and the devotion to the Christ of Gibraltar will also be discussed.
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