The franciscan sanctuary and convent of Our Lady of Loreto at Espartinas (Seville) during the 19th century


  • Francisco Amores Martínez Doctor en Historia del Arte. Universidad de Sevilla



Loreto, 19th century, franciscans, Umbrete, Espartinas


In the present work we study the main events that occurred throughout the 19th century in the sanctuary of Our Lady of Loreto, located in the sevillian town of Espartinas, and in the convent of franciscan friars that guarded it. We offer a set of unpublished news from two documentary sources, the archive of the Archbishopric of Seville and that of the convent itself.


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How to Cite

Amores Martínez, F. (2024). The franciscan sanctuary and convent of Our Lady of Loreto at Espartinas (Seville) during the 19th century . Escurialensia : Revista Digital De Historia Y Arte, (2).


