Ceremonies and celebrations at San Marcos University at the time of Charles V and Philip II


  • Gloria Cristina Flórez Dávila Universidad Nacional Mayor San Marcos. Lima




Emperor Charles V, Philip II of Spain, Royal and Pontifical University of San Marcos, Ceremonies, Celebrations, Marian Devotions, Speeches, Sermons


We introduce a feature of our research carried out regarding the Medieval Legacy in Habsburg Peru, especially due to the importance of the genesis of the Modern State in the West. On this occasion we focus our attention on intellectual dynamics that allowed the University, and its members have a prominent role intellectually and politically, as was the case of the Royal and Pontifical University of San Marcos in the overseas domains for various reasons such as: its antiquity, the privileges granted in civil and religious matters, the teachers and students who had outstanding cultural production.


a) Fuentes editadas

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How to Cite

Flórez Dávila, G. C. (2024). Ceremonies and celebrations at San Marcos University at the time of Charles V and Philip II. Escurialensia : Revista Digital De Historia Y Arte, (2). https://doi.org/10.54571/erdha.663




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