Brief analysis of Confessions of St. Augustine, X, 1,1


  • Manuel Villegas Rodríguez Profesor emerito del Real Centro Universitario "Escorial María Cristina"



Works of Saint Augustine, especially editions in the Spanish language of Confessions, St. Paul’s first letter to the Coriantians, letter to the Ephesians Latin words, Cognoscam, cognitor, virtus


Saint Augustine establishes an intimate connection to Book X, Chapter 1 of his Confessions, both in its subject matter and in its rhetorical writing, with Chapter 1 of Book I. In this article it is presented, similar to my previous study to Book I, 1, a brief analysis of the words used by Saint Augustine whose result forces to dissent from translations that misrepresent the meaning of those chosen by the Bishop of Hippo (cognoscam, virtus). Saint Augustine as Saint Paul Augustine refer to a love and knowledge in the eternal future, Without pretending to be exhaustive in the counting of the editions in Spanish language that contain the indicated error amount to more than 140 and around 4 in which the word cognoscam is correctly translated.


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How to Cite

Villegas Rodríguez, M. (2020). Brief analysis of Confessions of St. Augustine, X, 1,1. Anuario Jurídico Y Económico Escurialense, (53), 445–472.

