Urban planing transformations as a pedagogical resource for the study of local history of Cordoba, in the formation or the future teacher or Primary Education


  • Miguel Jesús López serrano Real Centro Universitario Escorial- María Cristina
  • Rafael Guerrero Elecalde Universidad de Córdoba




Urbanism, History, Primary Education, Córdoba


The image we have of the past on many occasions is a confusing idea and with multiple meanings. Normally we tend to understand it as a resource that belongs to the heritage of people and societies throughout history.
Thus, the need for future teachers to be trained in both transversal or optional subjects of Environmental Education and in the achievement of the objectives of stage, area and the contents of the different subjects that contribute to explain and understand becomes urgent. the concept of the most recent past through didactic proposals in the students


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Author Biographies

Miguel Jesús López serrano, Real Centro Universitario Escorial- María Cristina

Doctor en Historia contemporánea por la Universidad de Córdoba. Profesor contratado de la asignatura Historia Económica en el Real Centro Universitario Escorial-María Cristina

Rafael Guerrero Elecalde, Universidad de Córdoba

Doctor en Historia Moderna por la Universidad del Pais Vasco. Profesor del Departamento de Didácticas Específicas de la Universidad de Córdoba.


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How to Cite

López serrano, M. J., & Guerrero Elecalde, R. (2021). Urban planing transformations as a pedagogical resource for the study of local history of Cordoba, in the formation or the future teacher or Primary Education . Anuario Jurídico Y Económico Escurialense, (54), 485–508. https://doi.org/10.54571/ajee.465




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