Reflections of saint augustine in Confessions VIII

Tolle lege (Stop it, read) and Rom.13,13


  • Manuel Villegas Rodríguez Profesor emerito del Real Centro Universitario "Escorial María Cristina"



Works of Saint Augustine, Confessions of Saint Augustine, Saint Augustine


Saint Augustine narrates in Book VIII of Confessions facts and reflections that lead him to his “conversion”, understood here as a decision for an exclusive service to God. He is moved by the Primordial Cause, God, who inspires him to visit Simpliciano for advice, and to meditate on the providential arrival of Ponticiano. All this produces in Aurelio Agustín a deep emotional crisis that ends in the garden of his house where he takes refuge to calm down, always accompanied by Alipio. There he heard a childish voice singing: “Stop it, read” and come to read Rom. 13.13. All this he interprets as a heavenly command to abandon his doubts and shadows and experiences such illumination in his spirit that he makes the firm decision to put on Christ. Alypius applies the verse Rom. 4.1, and it also has its special conversion. In the year 385, in Milan, Aurelio Agustín had to solve a problem caused by his mother in relation to the Leticia party. In the year 393, after a profound exegetical study of his on Rom 13:13, the new priest Augustine decided to abolish this festival in Hippo. Faced with the stubborn opposition of his faithful, he was on the verge of
fleeing and leaving the Diocese. Is there a connection between these events? 


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How to Cite

Villegas Rodríguez, M. (2022). Reflections of saint augustine in Confessions VIII : Tolle lege (Stop it, read) and Rom.13,13 . Anuario Jurídico Y Económico Escurialense, (55).

