Legendary words against saint Augustine


  • Manuel Villegas Rodríguez Profesor emerito del Real Centro Universitario "Escorial María Cristina"




Keywords: Words and Legends. Petrus of Natalibus. Pictorial representations of Saint Augustine and a child on the beach. De Trinitate, work of Saint Augustine.


Abstract: The words, oral or written, can contain baseless reproaches that, repeated, become slanderous legends. In addition to the words, there are multiple paintings that, in the case that concerns us, represent Saint Augustine on a beach, before a child, who reproaches him for his audacity for trying to delve into the idea of ​​God-Trinity. This has been and continues to be for many writers or preachers, consciously or unconsciously, a witty anecdote that can blur the holy Bishop of Hippo. It is amply proven that this legend reflects a deformation of his personality while exposing in his own words the lofty and clear content of his work De Trinitate.



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How to Cite

Villegas Rodríguez, M. (2023). Legendary words against saint Augustine. Anuario Jurídico Y Económico Escurialense, (56). https://doi.org/10.54571/ajee.570

